13 dicembre 2023


 Samuel J. Johnson, nasce il 18 Settembre 1709, muore il 13 Dicembre 1784.

Critico letterario, Poeta, Saggista, Biografo britannico.

Opere principali :

Saggi, pamphlet, periodici, sermoni

1732–33Birmingham Journal
1747Plan for a Dictionary of the English Language
1750–52The Rambler
1753–54The Adventurer
1756Universal Visiter
1756-The Literary Magazine, or Universal Review
1758–60The Idler
1770The False Alarm
1771Thoughts on the Late Transactions Respecting Falkland's Islands
1774The Patriot
1775A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland
Taxation No Tyranny
1781The Beauties of Johnson


1747Prologue at the Opening of the Theatre in Drury Lane
1749The Vanity of Human Wishes
Irene, a Tragedy

Biografie, critica
1744Life of Mr Richard Savage
1745The Plays of William Shakespeare - Miscellaneous Observations on the Tragedy of Macbeth
1756"Life of Browne" in Thomas Browne's Christian Morals
Proposals for Printing, by Subscription, the Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare
1765Preface to the Plays of William Shakespeare
The Plays of William Shakespeare
1779–81Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets


1755Preface to a Dictionary of the English Language
A Dictionary of the English Language

Racconto filosofico
1759The History of Rasselas Prince of Abyssinia

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