26 settembre 2019


Thomas Stearns Eliot, noto come T. S. Eliot, nasce l 26 Settembre 1888, muore il 4 Gennaio 1965.
Poeta, Saggista, Critico letterario e Drammaturgo statunitense naturalizzato britannico.

Premi e Riconoscimenti :
Premio Nobel : 1948

Opere :
  • Sacred Wood
  • Ara Vus Prec
  • Prufrock and other observations
  • Waste Land
  • Prufrock and Other Observations
    • The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock - Portrait of a Lady - Preludes - Rhapsody on a Windy Night - Morning at the Window - The Boston Evening Transcript - Aunt Helen - Cousin Nancy - Mr. Apollinax - Hysteria - Conversation galante - La figlia che piange
  • Poems
    • Gerontion - Burbank with a Baedeker: Bleistein with a Cigar - Sweeney Erect - A Cooking Egg - Le directeur - Mélange adultère de tout - Lune de miel - The Hippopotamus - Dans le restaurant - Whispers of Immortality - Mr. Eliot's Sunday Morning Service - Sweeney among the Nightingales
  • Ara Vos Prec
  • The Waste Land
    • I. The Burial of the Dead - II. A Game of Chess - III. The Fire Sermon - IV. Death by Water - V. What the Thunder Said - Notes
  • The Hollow Men
  • Ash Wednesday
    • I. Because I do not hope turning of the second stair - II. Lady, three white leopards sat under a juniper-tree - III. At the first turning of the second stair - IV. Who walked between the violet and the violet - V. If the lost word is lost, if the spent word is spent - VI. Although I do not hope to turn again
  • Ariel Poems
    • The Journey of the Magi - A Song for Simeon (1928) - Animula - Marina - The Cultivation of Christmas Trees
  • Unfinished Poems
    • Sweeney Agonistes - Fragment of a Prologue - Fragment of an Agon - Coriolan : I. Triumphal March - II. Difficulties of a Statesman
  • Minor Poems
    • Eyes that last I saw in tears - The wind sprang up at four o'clock - Five-finger exercises (I. Lines to a Persian Cat - II. Lines to a Yorkshire Cat - III. Lines to a Duck in the Park - IV. Lines to Ralph Hodgson Esqre. - V. Lines for Cuscuscaraway and Mirza Murad Ali Beg) - Landscapes (I. New Hampshire - II. Virginia - III. Usk - IV. Rannoch, by Glencoe - V. Cape Ann) - Lines for an Old Man
  • Choruses from "The Rock"
    • I. The Eagle soars in the summit of Heaven - II. Thus your fathers were made - III. The Word of the Lord came unto me, sating - IV. THere are those who would build the Temple - V. O Lord, deliver me from the man of excellent intention and impure heart - VI. It is hard for those who have never known persecution - VII. In the beginning God created the world - VIII. O Father we welcome your words - IX. Son of Man, behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears - X. You have seen the house built, you have seen it adorned
  • Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats. Raccolta di poesie da cui è tratto il musical Cats di Andrew Lloyd Webber del 1981.
  • Four Quartets
    • Burnt Norton - East Coker - The Dry Salvages - Little Gidding
  • Occasional Verses
    • Defense of the Islands - A Note on War Poetry - To the Indians Who Died in Africa - To Walter de la Mare - A Dedication to My Wife
Teatro :
  • Sweeney Agonistes
  • The Rock
  • Assassinio nella cattedrale
  • The Family Reunion 
  • The Cocktail Party
  • Il segretario particolare
  • The Elder Statesman

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